(A) 原則上您應該在發現房屋漏水時就與對方聯絡, 要求雙方建立一個書麵的附件放在原來的購買合約之中,說明你們雙方希望要如何處理. 原則上你們一是等對方處理完之後再交屋,或是在雙方都同意的情況下,以現狀處理. 所以你當然有選擇,然而任何決定需要行之於書麵.
(B)如果對方拒絕履行交屋,您是可以要求對方賠償您的損失,這在法律上稱為 remedy. (下麵是說明)
What Is A Remedy?
A remedy is a court-ordered means of enforcing one party's rights or redressing a wrong committed by another party. Typically, a sales contract to purchase a building drafted by a lawyer defines the available remedies in the event of default by either the buyer or seller. Once a contract is formed, both the buyer and seller agree to perform specific obligations to "close" it (i.e. complete the deal). Refusing to close on a sales contract is an example of a default. The injured party may then bring a lawsuit seeking a remedy for its injuries. Remedies may be sought in both commercial and residential purchase-sale agreements.
然而請您務必諮詢律師,這中間有許多功課你需要做,不是您自己應該 DIY 的.