It seems you do not know what will happen next. What you have done really does not matter now. Unless you go for trial, chances are nobody will ask you to tell what happened. Your lawyer will not talk to any witness, if I understand correctly. He may not even talk to your girlfriend. He will get all info from the DA office.
Your girlfriend may contact the DA directly by writing or phone call to tell them it is a accident and she is not willing to proceed any further. In such case, she may need to tell a little more details, but the main thing is to show her attitude.
Your attorney should contact the DA soon or on the pretrial day to see the possibility to dismiss it. You can summarize how serious the consequences will be if convicted with DV and tell the attorney because DA and judge usually take those factors into account when they decide how to go further. On that day, your girlfriend should also go to the court to talk to the DA or someone else to clearly shows what she wants because the DA may still do not trust her words without some credited people like social worker to talk to her face to face. For now, there is really not much you can do. Maybe you can get as much information as possible about the court and law things in your state. Other than that, you still need to focus on your current work.
Take it easy. You will learn a lot from this. The consequence should not be very serious. Maybe you should think how to avoid such things again in the future.
BTW, you should keep record of all documents for possible future use.
回複:回複:You will mass up everything yourself. 根據你今天說的,你會把一個簡單的事完全搞
回複:回複:回複:You will mass up everything yourself. 根據你今天說的,你會把一個簡單的事
(6 bytes)
08/05/2013 postreply
your lawer is not working for you. Or he did not believe what y
(0 bytes)
08/05/2013 postreply
回複:your lawer is not working for you. Or he did not believe wha
(114 bytes)
08/05/2013 postreply