
事情是這樣的,我住在英國,四月八日從一個Scottish Fold Breeder手裏買了一隻純種的蘇格蘭折耳貓(英文名 Bunty),當時她已經快三歲了,Breeder告訴我,她之所以想掉Bunty,是因為Bunty從來沒有breeding過,不喜歡call, 也不喜歡 mating with male cat. 可是五月十三日,Bunty生了四個小kitten.也就是說,我買bunty 時,她已經是懷孕的啦,而我們大家都不知道。當時我非常震驚,這是我第一次養寵物,更別說照顧一個剛生產的貓媽,所以我給Breeder打了電話問怎麽辦?怎麽樣照顧貓媽和小kitten, 這是為什麽Breeder知道的原因。現在麻煩來了,今天收到Breeder的來信,來信內容如下,我想知道,從法律角度,小些貓咪屬於不屬於我的?我現在手裏有買Bunty時的付款收據和owner certificate.  我的貼也貼在寵物壇裏了,但是我知道,commen sense是一回事,法律又是一回事。麻煩指點一下,多謝了!

Thank you for the pictures, the kittens look very sweet, and must be getting quite active now!
I am very happy that you are enjoying the experience of having the little ones, and grateful for you rearing them to this stage. I am more than happy for you to keep a kitten of your choice as 
a thank you for doing this, but I must point out that these kittens are my breeding, from my stud boy. 
You had Bunty as a pet for a nominal charge - as you know a kitten would have cost you £600 and a girl for breeding would have been £800. In addition, the stud fee for my boy would have been £300. Bunty was not intended to be for a breeding queen, and she is still registered in my name. You will be unable to register these kittens, and they will have no pedigree, so they are of no use to you.
Please let me know which kitten you would like to keep, and when it will be convenient for me to collect the other three.
Many thanks,
