昨日接到一個電話, 因我一直對她很好,所以她隻給我打了這個電話。 她今年滿70歲, 來美十餘年, 來美的第一天,她的女婿就對她說:“你來幹嗎?”
因此, 這十餘年, 她一直在外做保姆至今,隻是周末回女兒家。誰料為一點小事(她女兒當時不在家),她女婿竟將抹布塞入她嘴中, 坐在她身上打了她一頓,更有甚者, 他竟然扒下她的褲子打她, 渾身傷痕累累。 這已不是第一次, 她女婿也經常打她的女兒,她女婿夫婦還有一個15歲大的女兒。有一次打得已報了警,可當警察來時,還是忍住沒告發他。
因她女兒失業已很長時間,所以全家收入僅靠她女婿一人(她從未拿過他一分錢, 因她長期在外當保姆, 有收入, 吃住都在別人家, 但她女兒及外孫女得依靠他的工資, 他總說他們擁有的連棟屋是他一個人的, 他有權將她們都趕出去)。未告她女婿的最大原因是怕萬一她女婿進了監獄,她女兒及外孫女無法生活,失去經濟來源, 因此長期忍受她女婿的折磨。但這次太過分了, 因此特來求助,有何辦法幫助她?
By the way, her son-in-law has a PHD degree got from US. She believe god,so she prays to the god everyday and hope her son-in-law could be better, but no use.... Nothing changed instead he is becoming more relentless.
Now since she is 70(she feels her body couldn't let her to be a babysitter anymore) and she hope to apply for a "senior apartment" for her rest of life, but without her son-in-law's help, it is not easy to success(she doesn't know any English).
Which organization should her ask for help?
Anybody can help me to answer above questions?
My email is: luona9999@yahoo.com and my phone number is: 240-631-7376
• 回複:70老婦遭女婿打,該如何尋求法律保護? -itelya- ♀ (275 bytes) () 10/20/2003 postreply 08:21:00
• 回複:回複:70老婦遭女婿打,該如何尋求法律保護? -NatureGirl- ♀ (321 bytes) () 10/20/2003 postreply 10:13:00
• 回複:回複:回複:70老婦遭女婿打,該如何尋求法律保護? -太可恨了- ♀ (226 bytes) () 10/20/2003 postreply 19:52:00
• 補充 -太可恨了- ♀ (80 bytes) () 10/20/2003 postreply 19:56:00
• 回複:補充 -gaocuoleba- ♀ (66 bytes) () 10/21/2003 postreply 02:00:00
• 回複:回複:補充 -太可恨了- ♀ (68 bytes) () 10/21/2003 postreply 09:50:00
• 回複:回複:回複:補充 -NatureGirl- ♀ (661 bytes) () 10/21/2003 postreply 21:26:00
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:補充 -希望能有用- ♀ (349 bytes) () 10/22/2003 postreply 15:04:00
• 回複:70老婦遭女婿打,該如何尋求法律保護? -金星人- ♀ (30 bytes) () 10/22/2003 postreply 15:56:00
• 太懦弱了!這樣自私的男人有... -littleant- ♀ (47 bytes) () 11/03/2003 postreply 14:50:00