你知不知道,在馬州開家庭 day care 需要 county 的批準,同時需要買專業的保險.

回答: 胡說八道 ! 出了事你負責?單身老貓2013-04-01 12:24:53

同時維州甚至於要求"Forty-eight semester hours or 72 quarter hours of college credit from a college or university of which 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours are in child-related subjects and one year of programmatic experience."

Read more: How to Get a State Child Care License in Virginia | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5714834_state-child-care-license-virginia.html#ixzz2PFmmyZbG

不懂就不要亂說 !
