
來源: 狼的傳人 2013-03-12 07:36:34 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (25351 bytes)

我遇到過比你跟頭痛的情況. MANAGER因為一些原因要趕我走.采用造謠,說謊, 捏造,無中生有,倒打一把...各種各樣的手段整我.用一些同事跟我說的話就是: 他要給我"HARD TIME".把1個月三,四個人的工作量叫我必須一個星期完成(其他程序員, BUSINESS ANALYST說如果我能在一個星期完成, 簡直就是不可思議的天才了. 我後來玩命在一個星期弄好)..在工作中, 我從來以世無爭,任勞任怨,對任何人都以禮相帶,笑臉相.口碑極佳.  我工作近二十年從來沒碰到過這種人..後來,我發現情況不對, 開始記錄工作日記.必要時才能以事實應付.

這是個幾萬人的好公司. 沒法待下去, 就的走人.考慮再三準備辭職,三十六計走為上策. 我給他寫了一封反駁信. 當時也很想出口氣,把這封信CC給整個TEAM.後來想來想去,沒有這麽做.. 這封信,我後來隻CC給另外兩個參與整我的人. 我一寄出這封信,馬上(幾秒之內)把辭職信寄出.以免他先下手為強把我FIRE掉.

下麵是我的信.供你參考.待會兒, 我刪掉.


I am certainly not being treated reasonably, or with the kind of respect I expect to both give and receive in a professional setting.

 I strongly protest to the parameters you’ve given me. Especially after my experiences with the past few projects, I don’t think the goal of these projects is accomplishment or efficiency. Some   projects, after all, has historically been a difficult undertaking and never has a programmer been given as little as forty hours for a complex project like this. As an IT manager, I’m sure you are very apt at judging roughly the amount of time necessary for completion of the tasks.

 I noticed that forty pages of the transform(not including side web pages like in manaer.aspx...)  were done before August 2011; fourteen of these are identical except for some different parameters. That means that about twenty-six pages of code were completed in what I’ve been told was  about two years of time working on this with outsource help.

 Since August 2011, approximate seventeen pages have been added, and I personally coded four of them in three months. My sixteen pages per year rate is inarguable more productive than observed.

I enjoy contributing ideologically and technically to this team and am more than willing to work faster and faster as I am getting increasingly familiar with the environment and tools—and I pride myself in efficient, productive, and accurate work . My code is very functional and carefully thought out, and I’ve even caught some major bug that beta users/testing teams missed while working on my projects. The complaints about my code (specifically, Form 706) being riddled with bugs which mess up with other pages is unfounded and the expectation that all projects I finish are bug-free is unrealistic and vastly unfair. I welcome any opportunity to have people go through the Form706 codes together to discuss how this codes work from business or technically manner. I am confident about this codes.  After all, the teams of testers were hired for a reason, and developers are only human; we cannot produce perfect code every time with no problems and no small bugs.  I do my best and test as much as possible before I turn over my work to the test  cycle and in the process. It’s a group working environment, and I am contributing a fair share.

 Following standards is not a problem and never has been; I welcome input and have tailored all my work to the standards and requirements outlined or discussed with me.

The point that I protest is that I am consistently being given one set of instructions, one set of parameters, and then later harangued for not following a different set of instructions, being give unreasonable time to finish projects.

 Monday, Aprile 20, 2012 at the HR office,  you mentioned specially as an example that my last project (Form 706) was not completed on time and that there were several bugs that affected other files. As you can see from the below notes, this is distinctly untrue; the assignment was not only confirmed to be unproblematic but also submitted in a timely manner. I have strong feeling that I have been pre-set up to fail.


Black diamond (cards)  Friday, April 20, 2012 10:35AM, Received message from Lisa- started the task


Black diamond (cards)  Friday, April 20, 2012 at about 11:50am, less than two hours after I was assigned this project.  I told Lisa that I just went through  VB codes and task description and told her I am ready to start coding. She told me to wait until the meeting next Tuesday.


Black diamond (cards)  Tuesday, April 24 at 9:00am to 10:am,  had meeting with Sharon, Dwayne and Lisaabout the task.

   At 11:54am, Sent an email to Lisa describing the task.


Black diamond (cards)  Friday, April 27, 2012 at 9:04AM,Submited finished work to Lisaby attaching emails. Before that, talked to Lisawhether I should shelve the files, check in or other. I was told to email the files.


Black diamond (cards)  Monday, April 30, 2012 at 11:37AM, received an email from Lisaabout two bugs (default values  when there is no record, and the link invisibility on the menu when entity is 990)

At 2:24PM sent email to Lisatelling the bugs are fixed.





It was also mentioned that it appears that I have trouble grasping the details of assignments; I must point out that though I realize that English is not my first language, but I have never had any issues communicating with my colleagues or understanding the industry coding standard or working professionally with others. As always, I appreciate any input and welcome all suggestions to make codes more efficient and run more smoothly. I would be more than happy to work with you and address any specific concerns you may have regarding specific projects that I've taken on, but in general, I must again respectfully disagree with the assumption that I have trouble deriving the requirements of assignments.


I was very surprised when I was told that the business manager - “She does not have confidence that you understood the requirements”  when I haven’t had any personal interaction or working relationship with her since or before the meeting on Tuesday, April 24, 2012. The meeting on that day also included the business analyst, and together, they described the requirements of the project. I am more than happy to address and rectify any specific concerns that they have regarding this project, and in fact welcome the manager to just take a few minutes to go through the web page and discuss with me ways to fine tune the product.

I am proud of all projects I have done in last over ten years. I won excellent reputation not only from my technical capabilities but also from my attitude to my works and to people. I don’t have any  personal dislike to any single person. I am responding this message only hoping I can be judged fairly.

Like I have said, I greatly appreciate all the time you spent . I very much enjoy working as a member of this team and respect all my colleagues as I hope to be respected and treated fairly.

 Thanks and Regards,






xx and xx

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from my current position as a senior developer with xxxx, effective on Friday, May 4, 2012 .

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to you for allowing me to be a part of the team. I wish the company continued success in its professional endeavors.

I have enjoyed working the  people here. Please let me know if there  is anything I can do to assist in the smooth transition of my responsibilities.

Thanks and Regards,




多謝建議!其實公司是個好公司,所以才一直忍耐。她開除了很多她認為是前經理的人。 -六月天晴- 給 六月天晴 發送悄悄話 (83 bytes) () 03/12/2013 postreply 09:16:16



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