thanks!!!! that is the best advise so far!!!!!

yes since I didn't get any letter so even if they send warrant I would never know.

So there is no gurarentee there is no warrant out there, right?

I already got the list of traffic lawyers in town. I bring them with me and will call them in case there is a warrant or misdimeaner charges.

so monday- go to DMV to ask for what is going on and see if there is a warrant.

If yes, then hire a lawyer, if not then I go to traffic court by myself and present them with my proof of address and proof of my car registeration under my name and current address (this is to show the proof that I udpated my address at DMV after I moved to here). Ask for dismissal of fine due to DMV/court's mistake. Pay for the original price of the ticket if it is me. If it is not there I ask to see a judge to appeal.

last, ask the copy of court record regarding to this case so I will attach it with my citizenship application

