
來源: 0798 2013-01-03 18:13:05 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (12286 bytes)
回答: 您等一下單身老貓2013-01-03 14:40:32

謝謝。inspection addendum中寫的是“water stains were noted at the left rear plumbing vent, replace all plumbing vent roof flashings”因為當時inspector attic裏有漏水痕跡,雖然隻是左邊,但這些東西到年頭都老化了,應該都換新的,也並不貴。賣家也沒有對這條提出異議,但是真弄的時候賣家隻是把左邊漏水的那個給seal了一下,沒有換新的。直到原定的close當天早上我的 agent給我打電話說賣家同意都換了,但因為下雨,現在弄不了。但是前幾天我問我的agent賣家沒有按時弄好也算違約吧,我的agent又說賣家後來已經在原定的closing當天都弄好了,其實合同裏說的很清楚賣家應該給買家足夠時間在close前檢查這些,而且應該提供修理的receipt,但我從來都沒收到過,現在這些都不重要了,隻是整件事裏很多這樣讓我們鬱悶的事。

我們的合同中寫了自合同之日起21天的financing contingency, close定在合同之日起第24天。今天見的律師認為我們貸款的commitment letter日期在合同之日起第23天,我們完全有權退出合同並拿回deposit,真是複雜啊,我們的agent一直說我們沒有在21天內拿到commitment letter算我們違約,現在律師又認為這是對我們有利的事,我把這個條款copy在下麵,能不能請您幫忙看看呢?多謝!

10. FINANCING APPLICATION AND COMMITMENT: Buyer agrees to make a written application for the financing as herein described within (7 ) days from the Date of Contract Acceptance. If such written financing commitment is not obtained by Buyer within ( 21) days from the Date of Contract Acceptance: (1) Seller, at Seller's election and upon written notice to Buyer, may declare this Contract null and void and of no further legal effect; or (2) Buyer, upon written notice to Seller, which shall include written evidence from the lender of Buyer’s inability to obtain financing as provided in Paragraph 9 of this Contract, may declare this Contract null and void and of no further legal effect. In either case, the deposit shall be di*****ursed in accordance with the Deposit paragraph of this Contract. If Buyer has complied with all of Buyer’s obligations under this Contract, including those with respect to applying for financing and seeking to obtain financing, then the Release of Deposit agreement shall provide that the deposit shall be returned to Buyer.



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