女兒在紐約上學,在曼哈頓租了一個單間(房租)1200刀,當時是month to month lease,房東口頭上說可長期租,兩年之內不漲價,我女兒也買了一點家具了。現在剛住了兩個月,房東說,她媽媽(原來住三樓)腿摔壞了,要搬到樓下來,給了兩方案:
1. You can vacate within 30 days.2. You can move in to the one bedroom apartment upstairs (the bookshelves in the living room have to stay though, since I wouldn't have enough time to take them out. The apartment is mostly furnished and of course, has a kitchen.) If you chose this option, I can keep the $1,200 rent for an additional two months until you either find a place or chose to rent the one bedroom for $1,650 per month請問我女兒一定的搬走 嗎 ?或付1650到租樓上的嗎?