回複:買車發現有Odometer Fraud,怎麽告賣主。

很抱歉聽到您遇到這種問題,然而您的資料中沒有提到您的車是跟買賣舊車的車商買的還是與個人所買的,如果是前者,您應該可以要求對方退還您購買的款項,如果是後者,90% 您拿不回這個錢. (因為許多詐騙集團往往會偽裝成個人銷售來欺騙不在行的顧客,等您發覺時對方早已人去樓空已經太晚了)這種情況在老貓以前工作的轄區履見不鮮,主要的兩個犯罪集團的成員多數是來自於索馬利亞的移民團體(大概海盜做足了,殺到路上來了)與來自於越南的移民團體

至於在法律上,保障您權益的法律是屬於聯邦法 ( 49 U.S.C. Section 32704),所以任何故意更動裏程表讀數的行為不旦是麵對民事上您可以求償的行為,同時也麵對刑事上詐欺的控罪,您可以直接與您所在州的 AG 辦公室聯絡,他們會協助您處理這個問題.


a) Adjusting Mileage. - A person may service, repair, or replace
an odometer of a motor vehicle if the mileage registered by the
odometer remains the same as before the service, repair, or
replacement. If the mileage cannot remain the same -
(1) the person shall adjust the odometer to read zero; and
(2) the owner of the vehicle or agent of the owner shall attach
a written notice to the left door frame of the vehicle specifying
the mileage before the service, repair, or replacement and the
date of the service, repair, or replacement.
(b) Removing or Altering Notice. - A person may not, with intent
to defraud, remove or alter a notice attached to a motor vehicle as
required by this section.





Thank you. -bighead88- 給 bighead88 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/23/2012 postreply 10:42:45

那這個車還可以Register嗎 -xiaobeibei- 給 xiaobeibei 發送悄悄話 (21 bytes) () 08/23/2012 postreply 10:42:54
