事情是這樣的。 誠心的求建議!
今年一月我約了醫生。(因為我在另外一個州工作。家人還在這個州, 我是趁 寒假來看家人,想順道見一下我的家庭醫生。)但由於種種原因,後來沒有去見他。
大概三月份,接到這個診所的電話,說我欠了他們 25 刀, which is no show up fee. I explained to the lady who called me and she said that she can take care of it and wave it. Then I didn’t hear from them anymore.
幾天前, 接到 collection agency’s phone call regarding this $25.
I am very shocked. I called the clinic and wrote them an email regarding this $25. I am requesting them to send collection agency a note to delete this collection action. I didn’t hear from them yet.
I am so worried now since I am very careful about my credit score. This $25 would affect my credit score very much! Credit Score also will affect my mortgage rate and mortgage insurance. I just bought a condo two years ago with 5% down. (Therefore I am paying mortgage insurance.) I am hoping that I will get this mortgage insurance deleted after my principle reach 20%. But bad credit score would make it impossible!
我該怎麽辦呢? 懇請專家的建議。 不勝感激。