
It's very easy. Both of you need to show up at the city hall of the city where you are going to get married. Take your photo ID to register first and schedule the date you want to be married. Some states require blood test,the clerk at teh city hall will tell you where to go ( if she/he doesn't, you can ask), then you bring the test result back to the city hall where you registered, everything should be all set, just wait for the date. If you want to be married by a judge, just show up on the day at the city hall.You say"I do"in front of him and then you will have the marriage liecens.
If you want to be married by somebody else, the person should have authority from the state office to marry people. Ususally, the priests at church have the authority. THe person who marries you has to send the city hall some paper work, you can get your marriage license once the city hall recieves the paper work.
