Equal pay advise please

Dear 單身老貓 and other warm hearted people,

Thank you for all the help in the past. Last year my ex' lawsuit made my daughters much closer to me - a nice thing out off terrible thing.

Recently I've found I am 15% under paid at same level.

The history of my job is this:
5 years ago, our department collapsed and everybody left except me. The new hire (say her name is Luci ) for accounting 4 could not do the job, but I did it even I was accounting III. Luci ended up did my job before. At this time Luci was paid in 70s. I was in 50s. This arrangement last 3 years.

Since two years ago she has been doing bank accounts reconciliations and I have the same for different bank accounts. So this part we are the same. The other part there is no change, she is still doing some my old part of Job and my job is on top of her. And I also have another part of job is accounting policy compliance which is higher level job. She does not have another part. I got promoted to accounting 4 a year and half ago for the pay in 60s.

Those are base pay. We have same bonus level which is 30%. I have CPA and I have the most señority in our department. Luci does not have CPA. She does not have higher education nor better experience.

I request to have base pay adjustment and denied. What shall I do?

Is there a law called Lilly Letbetter for equal pay? She did exact same job as mine for three years. Right now my work has one part is the same, the rest is higher.

Thank you for your kind advise.



What is the reason for denying you the pay adjustment? -N.- 給 N. 發送悄悄話 N. 的博客首頁 (62 bytes) () 06/26/2012 postreply 21:47:04

Look for a new job. -playdoh2- 給 playdoh2 發送悄悄話 (314 bytes) () 06/27/2012 postreply 09:22:05
