I went to the store

來源: 老婆被控 2003-09-04 13:16:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1351 bytes)
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since my wife can't get in, I talked with the manager. He said since he chose not to call the police the other day, my wife will not be arrested and put in jail.
For the side of civil law, the store will send her a letter asking her to pay some money in about 2 weeks. If she pays the money, the civil side will be settled. If she doesn't pay, the store will sue her in a CIVIL court.
For the side of criminal law, the store has filed a charge to the city we live in, from now on it's the District Attorney who will decide whether s/he prosecute my wife or not, the store has no longer any control in this domain. Since the hairclip found on my wife's sweater is of small value (<$20), the storemanager said the District Attorney will probably not make it a case. But that's only his guess. If the DA makes it a case, my wife will be summoned to the City Court.
Our decision for now is to wait for the civil demand. My wife is so scared she wants to pay the store back, and the best outcome is that the DA drops the case from his/her side. If the DA does prosecute her, we'll find a lawyer then.
Hope it helps. Another thing, check the law of your state, it's different from place to place. Theft is treated differently on whether it's >300 or <300 here, but for some states the line is 200, or 500, or other.



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