都已18年了, 不光應原諒你丈夫, 還應考慮把小3的孩子接到外麵來讀書.

回答: 我都要氣瘋了......高級保姆2012-03-31 00:06:26

You are a married women and know what is the character of man. He made a mistaken 18 years ago and choose to stay with you. It means that you are still his top priority and you should value it.

On the other side, the 3 is the person also and she suffered from this. Her kid is your hu*****and's kid and he loves him/her also. If you can excuse your hu*****and and even discuss with your hu*****and on how to help 3's kid, your hu*****and will love you to death and you will have a happy family.

You will lose pretty much everything if you divorce and your two kids will surfer also. Be a great women and then you will have everything you want!!!


