一個月前上閣樓取東西,過了幾天發現在閣樓踩過的地方下麵的天花板有一道兩尺多長的裂縫(見照片)。房子四年前買新建的。和建築商聯係,他們看了照片之後,說這是drywall damage,不是結構問題,不在warranty之內(他們的答複見下)。請問大家這是不是建築質量差而導致的damage,建築商應不應負責修複?謝謝朋友們。
建築商的答複: Thank you for submitting your pictures. The damage shown in these pictures does not appear to be structural in nature. This looks to be drywall damage from someone mis-stepping while in the attic. Unfortunately, we will be unable to take any further action on the request. I apologize we couldn’t be of more assistance to you. Please know that our decision has been made in compliance with the Homes written warranty.