套一句老話 "天下下雨,娘要出嫁"..事已至此,您拖著又有什麼好處? 特別是您們的孩子夾在你們的戰爭之間,她有工作,有先生,有孩子要忙,如果你們再這麼鬧下去,對您們的孩子有什麼好處? 同時拖著,你真正有能力玩這些法律遊戲嗎? 最終還不是兩個人辛苦一輩子的錢錢都送給了雙方的律師,當然了你要是嫌錢多或是人生太單調了,這是您自己的選擇,但是這不會是老貓會給予您的意見.
老貓要是您,大家就好來好散,雙方坐下來談清楚,(因為老貓回應時對方已經回國,所以您可以告知對方的律師,你這邊的條件,對方如果不同意,您就真正大刀闊斧的幹,對方人不在這裡不代表錢不在這裡,同時你們的房子在北美,)你們辛苦了一輩子,總有一些恆產,該分的,該拿的,雙方就五五分帳一次性了斷,大家爽快一些.把婚離了各走各的路,你需要記住,人生不是無限延伸,你應該珍惜自己的生命,不要再浪費生命在這個爛人身上,當然最終這是您自己的問題,良心說,做為外人,老貓無權管也懶得管,隻是主持這個論壇這麼多年,類似的問題,該看的,也看多了,該說的,也許都說盡了,拖延,或是報復,最終都是兩敗俱傷,所以你是否聽老貓之見,真正隨您. 然而老貓需要把話說明了,你們的戰爭,老貓不願意花時間管,所以你如果執意要"玩"這個法律遊戲,這是您的決定,老貓尊重您的決定,但是日後一切的問題請自便,老貓沒有時間與心情當您的軍師替您籌劃,
不過老貓有一個問題是,如果你們是加國的永久居民,同時他本人依據您所提供的資料也沒有在紐約住滿一年以上,他是如何滿足紐約州有關提出離婚訴訟最低的居住標準的? 這個問題您應該問一下您自己的律師,老貓非常懷疑這之中有相當的問題,這是相關的資料
In New York, you must first satisfy the residency requirements set forth in Domestic Relations Law §230. To file for a divorce in New York you must satisfy one of the following residency requirements:
- The marriage ceremony was performed in New York State and either spouse was a resident of the state at the time of the commencement of the action and resided continuously in this state for one year immediately before the action began; or,
- The couple lived as hu*****and and wife in this state and either one is a resident thereof and resided in this state for a continuous period of one year immediately prior to the commencement of the action; or,
- The grounds for divorce occurred in this state and either party is a resident thereof and lived in this state for a continuous period of one year prior to commencement of the action; or,
- The grounds for divorce occurred in this state and both parties are New York residents at the time the action is commenced; or,
- If you and your spouse were married outside of New York and you never lived together as hu*****and and wife in this state and the grounds for divorce did not occur in this state -- either you or your spouse must presently be a resident of New York State and have resided continuously in the state for at least two years prior to bringing this case.