回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:questions on status change of adopted child, Than

Thank you for your explaination. Now I understand it.

Would you think it reasonable and doable if I apply F-1 visa for her?

-Yes, but you need to pay the tuition. The child needs to file I-539 to change her B-2 to F-1 before her B2 expires. Talk to the school and they should know the procedure.

She got I-20 one month after she entered the private school. I just don't like the idea of her staying in US without a proper status.

Another question is since the adoption process was done in China, do I have to reapply it at local government?

-Don't think you need to do that because you are not a US citizen when you adopted the child. The adoption document from the Chinese Government is enough. Just list the child as your dependent (family member) when you file tax reurn, buy health insurance, etc. Go to your local court house to apply for the tax ID for your child because she can not get SSN before she gets the green card.
