回複:回複:Our shipment freight charge

來源: snowlover2011 2011-11-23 13:14:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (514 bytes)
回答: 回複:Our shipment freight charge有感而發2011-02-19 23:41:36

This is the starting of the story. We have to learn how dirty the Singaporean is. They told me that it was must something wrong there, since they had paid at the beginning. And promised me to email me the receipt as soon as possible. But so far, at the end of Nov. he has not paid any cents.

I have not told you that Singapore police helped me to get the shipment from their warehouse to a shipping company. If not, who knows what it was now.

We are too naive to know Singapore business man.



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