如果沒有遺囑,please read this
特別注意這個資料 (不代表一定會是這種結果,但是有實際的判例支持遺囑的合法性)
In the past, short of proof of undue influence or fraud by the surviving account holder, the money would pass to the living joint holder. This result is no longer certain. In 2007 the Pennsylvania Superior Court decided the Estate of Novosielski, 937 A.2d 449 (Pa. Super. 2007) and in 2008 the same court decided the Estate of Piet, 949 A. 2d 886 (Pa. Super. 2008). Both cases dealt with situations in which jointly held accounts were opened or made joint after the execution of a valid will. These accounts were made joint in a manner that differed from the previously executed testamentary scheme. In such cases, the Courts held that the asset in the joint account passed to the estate and not to surviving joint owner. Recently, in Estate of Alexander, 29 Fiduc. Rep. 2D 97 (O.C. Div. Allegh., 2009) the Pitt*****urgh Orphans’ Court followed the Novosielski and Piet cases and ordered a joint account turned over from the surviving account holder to the estate.