What punishments are not allowed in care?
- Preventing you from sleeping or waking you early in the morning;
- Making you pay a fine except where one has been imposed by the court or where you have damaged property. In these circumstances you can be asked to pay towards the cost of repair from your pocket money;
- Locking you in your room or in the home
- Locking you out of your home
- Smacking or hitting you in any way
- Stopping your food and drink
- Stopping you seeing your parents
- Wearing special clothes as a punishment
如果當事人沒有遵守這個規定,最嚴重的情況是有可能失去對於被監護人的監護權,所以你需要非常小心處理這個問題,以下是一個最壞狀況的 case study,(不代表您會麵對這個問題,但是您最好知道您所麵對的情況如果沒有小心處理會成為的問題)
"Do what ever your case worker tells you to do and do it quickly"