您可以與 Delaware Family Court Self-Help Center 聯絡,他們可以提供您相當的協助.
500 North King Street Suite 11600
Wilmington DE 19801
同時這是 Delaware State Courts 線上服務中心,(請仔細讀所有的資料,您需要了解一切所說的)
特別是這個資料 (如果您需要法律上無償的協助)
We understand that not everyone can afford an attorney. If you have a low income, you MAY be eligible for free legal services. To determine if you are eligible for legal services, call the Legal Help Link at (302) 478-8850 in New Castle County and 1-800-773-0606 in Kent and Sussex Counties. You can also refer to the Attorney Roster located in the Resource Centers in each courthouse. The attorney roster is a list of attorneys who practice family law in Delaware.