
回答: 幫朋友問,他不回打中文majorindulgence2011-08-05 08:20:47

1. Can HOA starta a foceclose  process before the small claim trail?

理論上這是兩個不同的法律程序,所以原則上兩者可以獨立進行,然而如果 然而HOA 真正為了 $1500 進行這個動作,(基本上應該是不可能),當事人可以要求處理這個案件的法官考慮因為有其他案件仍然在進行之故,將這個裁判擱置到其他案件結案之後再作出判決,一般的情況(特別是所涉及的金額不高的情況下),這個要求應該不會被駁回.

2. She doesn't want to put her condo in danger since she will don't have place to live. If she pays $1500 now and try to get back during the trail. Is it a good idea or bad idea?




3.She also afraid lost the case since HOA is powerful than an individual with Chinese last name?Here is the small claim court rules in Washington state. We jsut don't understand somethimes.

良心說,要是不懂法就花錢諮詢律師,要不然就自己花時間好好作功課. (依據您的描述,當事人應該已經做了一些功課,這是相當好的情況),然而個人不會建議當事人打這種種族牌,(華聖頓州的亞裔人口也不是少數,加上這是一個單純的民事訴訟的問題)當事人要是怕事,就付錢了事,如果付錢覺得心疼,那就依法來處理,天下沒有腳踏兩隻船不淹死的.




it is a common pipe broken on unit 707. water go to down stair c -majorindulgence- 給 majorindulgence 發送悄悄話 (984 bytes) () 08/05/2011 postreply 11:32:11

回複:it is a common pipe broken on unit 707. water go to down stai -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 單身老貓 的博客首頁 (750 bytes) () 08/05/2011 postreply 12:32:13

thank you very much. That is great help. -majorindulgence- 給 majorindulgence 發送悄悄話 (99 bytes) () 08/05/2011 postreply 15:34:18

Also HOA refuses to go to mediation -majorindulgence- 給 majorindulgence 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/05/2011 postreply 11:35:38
