
I went through the miseral divorce. It was dragged out for almost three years too. I guess the procedures you mentioned is called Deposition. Since both of you do not live in the same state, you can take the deposition in writing instead of personal meeting. Of course your attorney can refused the other side to take your deposition but normally the demestice relations court will grant it. If the other side can visit the child every month, you should not give up your right for Child Support. Keep in mind that the child support is not for you, is for your child. As long as he only spends the standard summer time ( Not more than 6 weeks) with the child, he has to pay your child support every month. My suggestion is to protect you and your child as possible as you can. Never give up your right easily, especially the Child Support. Don't think he will not bother you just because you don't ask for the child support. The divorce is very emotional and depressed. But since you are already paying attorney fee for almost three years, you should be firm and fight very hard with the other side. This may give him a lesson and prevent him from easily taking you to the court in the future because you make him suffer very much this time. Sister, be strong for your child!

