老貓, 你這是完全書麵的做法.

來源: CyberCat 2011-06-27 09:34:55 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (695 bytes)
回答: 回複:請教老貓:單身老貓2011-06-27 08:55:04

事實上, 情況沒有那麽壞. 如果樓主本人不是很有經驗, 他必須找一個在此方麵有經驗的律師. "持續付租金直到您能夠與房東協調一個處理方式為止" 很多時候不一定是一個好的辦法. 試想, 如果房動能夠每個月都能收到房租的話, 他還會和你談嗎? The goal right now is to put the landlord in an uncomfortable situation and in a fear of not being able to collect rent for an extend period of time. Say for example, if the tenant tells the landlord that he would file bankruptcy if he cannot get out of the lease, the landlord would definitely give it a very serious thought because then he would not be able to lease his property out until the bankruptcy proceeding is over, unless he is willing to receive nothing.



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