這個是黃金貼。Thanks!回複:在美國上訪,就是找你所住地區的senator和congress man

在現實裏我沒有采取魚死網破的對抗 (confirmed by your poster)。學校已經請了兩個移民律師樓的幫助。隻是他們的行事節奏實在是太慢。我現在是躺在手術台上沒上麻藥地等待! 學校已經申請了Motion to Reconsider,接著是請本州的參議員出麵求情 (上訪)。我還沒有直接指摘那個肇孽的所謂國際學者顧問,她接連犯下5個錯誤(from 08/02/2010 to 04/06/2011) 才造成我現在的困境!

我的錯誤是:沒給她送過小禮物!I didn't know that there are more than 100 gifts crowded in her officer room, most of them were from Chinese scholars. However, in the begining, I really didn't care about the job offer (25k annual salary), therefore, I never had the thought to send her a gift.........otherwise, at least she would check with me what had happened in my employment in August 2010. My another H-1B (10/01/2008 - 9/13/2011) sponsored by an industrial company was never requested to be revoked (because I maintained a health relationship with the HR and my supervisors).


學校已經申請了Motion to Reconsider, just wait, be patient -上海女生- 給 上海女生 發送悄悄話 (64 bytes) () 05/16/2011 postreply 08:50:26

沒上麻藥地等待 -Man40- 給 Man40 發送悄悄話 (138 bytes) () 05/16/2011 postreply 09:32:12

同時尋找其他機會,不要吊死在一顆樹上。 -上海女生- 給 上海女生 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/16/2011 postreply 13:19:44
