那個被陰人偷偷吊銷工作準證的人是我。我家現在是雞犬不寧, 惶惶不可終日 (=心慌意亂,神不守舍,一天也過不下去了). It looks like the end results would be: my house foreclosure, and my deportation. My employer wouldn't have any punishment. The person did this evil thing to me and my family would stay at her job position.
In her office room, there are more than a hundred gifts from international scholars accumulated in the past years. Interesting to mention that: all gifts are from either China or Africa countries. Hehe, all enjoy corruptions!
I didn't send her any gift in Septemter 2009 when I asked for H-1B sponsorship. I rejected her proposal of J1 visa for me. I told her, if you didn't give me a H-1B visa, I would not take the postdoc job (which initially was a contract paid as $12,500 for six months). With the protection from H-1B regulations, I finally have been paid with $49,999 annually! from 11/15/2009 to the present and into the future.
There were a list of scholars needed contract renewal in August 2010. However, she only pick out my name and ONLY cancelled my visa without notifying anybody!
I want to know how to get compensation from her! I want to know your opinions whether she deserve some punishment!