I broke a tooth by accident and went to see a endodontist( specialist who does root cancal only). The broken tooth is the 5th. He worked on 4th and then found he was wrong and then worked on the 5th.
I was very upset and angry and painful.
THe next day, i went to see another family dentist. Now this family dentist needs to re-do the two root canals.
The endodontist offer is that I go back to him to finish the root canal ( this procedure takes two steps seperated by a week). He won't change me for either one. He also offered to pay the crown for the 4th tooth if it is needed.
I did not want to accept it. It is too low. I want to find a lawyer who can represent me to talk to the endodontist for a max compesation.
Where can I find lawyers in Washtinton state, zip 98133?
I googled and called some lawyer office. I was told it was a minor case that they don't want to take. Where can I find "little" lawyers that are willing to take the case?
Should I report him to BBB also? How to do that?
THe long story is that before see him I went to a family dentist and another endodontist. Both of them said I only have one tooth broken. and I have X-ray to prove it. I switched to the bad one because a cowoker highly recommanded him. I decided to trust reference than some dentists just near my home.
You think broke a tooth is bad lucky and there is something even worse.