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回答: about the post on the hard drive.smart2011-04-07 21:15:30

Many companies including big ones do the same. Whenever having hard disk problems with my Dell laptop, I sent the laptop to Dell. Dell replaced the hard disk, put an operating system on it and sent the laptop back to me. The same senario applies to many other types of business such as car repairs...

This is not the central part of the problem. The central part is how to deal with the relations between friendship and business contacts. It is true that LZ is entitled to having an explanation from the shop owner why he put a new disk in and is also entitled to getting the old disk back. The problem is that LZ put a serious accusation on the law forum of Wenxuecity without talking to his friend - the owner of the repair shop - at first. Could a graduate from Qinghua treat other people in such a rough way?
