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It already happened, You can not change it.
I went to jail because of domestic violence, and I got three years probation, and did 240 hours community service.

But after one year, I still got my green card. All my probation and record were still there.

I had another friend who I met in jail, she stole something from one store. Her punishment was much less than me. She only got 5 days community service.

So just learn to deal with it. And tell your wife this is not the end of the world. Find one lawyer, go to court to reduce charge(sometimes the lawyer is not honest, they tried to scare you to let you pay more money to them, my lawyer told me that I would not get green card, how bad it is, later I found out that even if I did not hire lawyer, I will still get green card).

After I went to jail, I felt I want kill myself after I came out. But after I move through all the court process, I realized that it is not a big deal.

If YOU HAVE more problem, email to me cindy_cheng2000@yahoo.com



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