1. Let them to fill the application.
2. Pay no refundable application fee, such as $30.00.
3. Do the credit check, income check, employment check, and rental history check.
4. Check they utility bills, phone bills.
5. Call the references.
6. Now you could tell who is better potential tenant.
7. Inform the new potential tenant.
8. Sign the lease and take deposit.
9. Give the new tenant the key to your property.
This is a nornal process for the landlord and tenant.
Do not text each other too much.
不要怕房客的威脅。 法律是保護房客, 也保護房東。 隻要你對他們沒有歧視, 不要怕他花錢去告你。 注意不要讓房客把你吃住了 !!! 佛州房客要在德州租房, 聽起來有點問題。她沒講為什麽要搬到得州來? 你若不族給她, 不用理她了。
建議你去看個電影 Pacific Hieghts, 對你當房東大有幫助。