Thanks for your analysis. I like it. Can you provide a litt

回答: Here are some free suggestionsapt2011-01-07 15:57:45

My main purpose here is the passenger suit.    I think their strategy is they can't be assign fault.


I tend to compare this case with a case of engine break down in the road.    If people behind hit the car and get paid.    It will encourage everyone to hit and then claim a lot of money and get paid.   Will law allow that?

Is passenger in a car really can make free claim in case of accident?    In that case,  the law will encourage passenger to try to get people have accident.    Becaus it will profit no matter which party at fault.

Suppose you are a lawyer to defend this case ?   How can you find fault at report that cause jury to incline to our statement?    I believe the other guys is not really wounded.   He just want to profit from this accident.    We suffered great loss in this case and the other greedy part still want to get more free money from us?

I do have insurence lawyer who is still work on this case.    I believe he is very experienced and good one.     However,  due to insurence company lack of motivation.     My impression he does not get involved hard to defend me.    I need present strong case to him and persude him to fight for this case in court.    


