sorry but the reality is

來源: lxvii 2003-09-03 21:50:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1185 bytes)
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your father may win a multi-million dollar award, but you'll have little chance to collect it. the driver's insurance company may pay his liability cap, $30 gram, more or less. as long as his insurance company pays the liability cap, it's free from any financial liability unless you prove bad faith.

if no bad faith happens, no reasonable lawyer will take your case to sue the insurance company after it pays the liability cap. but you may ask your insurance company's lawyer to sue the driver. if your father wins an award, just see how mush he can collect.

the American judicial system is far from perfect. that's why the law assumes that people takes reasonable care to themselves. every year in this country thousands of injured people in traffic accidents cannot recover because defendants are either under insured or uninsured at all. hope your father is covered by his medical insurance.

in a perfect world, this should not happen. but in this imperfect world, and when this actually happened, the best you can do is to find a good lawyer and listen to their professional advice. sorry but this is the reality. don't knock your head against the wall.



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