
回答: 多謝老貓指點,再請問一個問題過客老袁2010-11-08 04:28:32

自2005年10月開始,馬州是有法律 (§ 10-702 )要求 sellers are squarely under an obligation to reveal what they know about problems that may not be visible but that endanger life and limb.然而這並不代表賣主需要 pay for repairs or reveal everything about their house, but they must disclose latent, or hidden, defects that they're aware of that threaten health and safety and that a home buyer or inspector would not easily be able to detect.

請特別注意下列的資料 (這是依法賣方需要告知您的資料,




The disclosure form shall include a list of defects or information of which the vendor has actual knowledge in relation to the following:

(i) Water and sewer systems, including the source of household water, water treatment systems, and sprinkler systems;
(ii) Insulation;
(iii) Structural systems, including the roof, walls, floors, foundation, and any basement;
(iv) Plumbing, electrical, heating, and air conditioning systems;
(v) Infestation of wood-destroying insects;
(vi) Land use matters;
(vii) Hazardous or regulated materials, including a*****estos, lead-based paint, radon, underground storage tanks, and licensed landfills;
(viii) Any other material defects known to the vendor; and
(ix) Whether the smoke detectors will provide an alarm in the event of a power outage


Any other material defects known to the vendor


所以除了上述的資料依之外,對方事實上無需告訴您任何額外的問題,所以並不是如您所想像的法律規定對方需要告訴您所有的問題,很不幸這是許多第一次買房的朋友的一個誤解.老貓不知道您當初僱用的房地產經濟人是誰,但是對方應該提供您這個資料同時協助您注意一切的細節, (一個題外話,良心說這就是老貓不鼓勵僱用華裔特別是國內來的地產經濟人的主要原因,你可以說老貓有偏見,但是周圍朋友因為對方急於建立業績而被騙或是上當吃虧的事件時有耳聞,特別是大部份與國內來的經濟人有關....)


衷心感謝兩位的幫助 -過客老袁- 給 過客老袁 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2010 postreply 18:00:14
