回複:緊急求助:侵權下載由匿名為John Doe傳播的電影“Hurt Locker"

來源: prsf 2010-11-02 11:07:04 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2651 bytes)

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Also, suggest by others:

First letter = ostrich defense, into the recycling with the other junk mail.

second letter = write “not this address” or “return to sender” or other BS on unopened envelope and throw in mailbox.

third letter = wow, persistent buggers. Fire off a denial like this…Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing in reply to your letter of claim dated ——- stating that my connection was Used in an infringement of copyright, using peer to peer networks which allegedly. Occurred on the date ——- and concerns the work “———-” (“the work”).
You assert in your letter that the infringement was apparently traced to my internet connection. I note that I am not personally being accused of the infringement, as you have no evidence to this effect.
Nevertheless, I categorically deny any offence. I have never possessed a copy of the work in any form, nor have I distributed it, nor have I authorized anyone else to distribute it using my internet connection.
As you seem to be perfectly aware, it is impossible to link an IP address to a particular person or computer without further detailed analysis, which requires a level of expertise I do not possess. Furthermore the delay in your sending of a letter of claim precludes any such analysis. In your letter you state that “it is unlikely that a simple denial (without further explanation) will change our view of the circumstances”, unfortunately I do not have the expertise to provide a detailed explanation. As such I can only conclude that I have been a victim of foul play
As far as I am aware, there is no law in under which you could properly hold me responsible for an infringement occurring via my internet connection, without either my knowledge or permission. I would be interested to hear you legal basis for attempting to do so.
Please inform your clients that if they wish to pursue this matter, I will seek to recover all my costs to the maximum permitted by the Civil Procedure Rules
The signature of the undersigned confirms the statement provided to be accurate and legally binding under the terms required by pre-action protocol in civil law.
Yours Faithfully



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