you are not in problem

本文內容已被 [ dontworryg ] 在 2004-09-14 21:50:27 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

According to the law, large scale distribution of copyright works without permit from copyright owner (to resell used books is kind of distribution) is against the law, It is infringe of copyright law code. However,selling your own used book is far away from crim. At first, you didn't make profit. Secondly, infringe of copyright law was defined as large scale copies and distribution. Be careful, 10 copies of books is large scale. Ebay, Amazon, and bookstores might have contract with Press, So they can sell big scale of books. Libraries can sell used book because the books pass copyright protect preiod (10y).
