
來源: abyz 2010-09-17 22:58:01 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2125 bytes)
回答: 請教:如何拿回我的買房錢??chen992010-09-17 18:04:08

(1)I have talked extensively to underwriters about this situation. They don’t allow a refund. 你買Seller賣,refund否是你和seller之間的事,不能由第三者來確定。seller和underwriters之間的事與你無關。

(2)You purchased the property in Feb / March AS IS and were asked to do you due diligence. 表麵上這條不是明確的理由,很可能seller是埋下伏筆,他有很大空間運作這裏。

(3)Our multiple attempts to give you the deed failed due to various reasons at the county. We were never notified by the city about the demolition until after it was done in August. 房子不能出售就退還定金。city和county的行為影響了房子的出售是seller和city/county之間的事,seller可以向city/county索賠,但這和退還定金沒有關係。

(4)If the deed would have been switched to your name prior to the demolition our underwriters would not give you a replacement property. 首先你買Seller賣,refund否是你和seller之間的事,不能由第三者來確定。seller和underwriters之間的事與你無關。在整個事件中你和underwriters沒有任何關係。其次,最關鍵的 “have been switched to your name prior to the demolition ”是不是既成事實? 發e-mail的人不可小看,這裏名堂很多:”If the deed would have been switched”理解成虛擬假設,這句話和沒有說一樣,如果理解成既成事實,那事情就複雜的多了。用“If”一詞是明顯的想把事情向複雜的方向引。

(5)My suggestion is to pick a property from the previous lists I sent you as a replacement for Lavergne. 不接受這個建議。



謝謝所有人的幫助,我已經決定請律師,畢竟他們比我懂得如何在法庭上為我爭取我的權益。 -chen99- 給 chen99 發送悄悄話 (67 bytes) () 09/19/2010 postreply 17:43:59



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