, 把餘帳減到了$754.12.
昨天下班前, WRA 給我打電話, 威脅我說,我一定要付這錢, 他們手裏有證據,我事先知道WRA 不在Network 裏, 可還是去做了檢查, 所以我自己要負責.
我拿到了Med 的authorization # , 去約時間時, 發生了下列電話對話:
WRA Rep: It is said our company’s MRI department recently is not in Cigna network.
Weiyi: Are you sure ? How can I know it is true?
WRARep: I am not sure , you can check with Cigna.
Then I called Cigna and Medsolution right way, they checked and all said WRA is in network include
MRI dep.
Then I call back to ask that Rep: what do you think these answers?
WRAREP: I don’t know, if Cigna said you are in, just believe them , We don’t care.
這個過程裏實際上Rep 是講了真話,但她又不肯定,而Cigna and Medsolution當時沒發現,做錯了事又不肯負責.
而現在WRA為了要證明錯在我,把她當時說的"I am not sure"改成了"sure”.
我在這個公司用很久了,做了很多的檢查,可是沒想到會有一個部門不在Network 裏.
有一件事我太急了, 忘了講, 在WRA 給我的最後通諜裏,
• 要是我現在"曲打成招"地付這錢, 但事先書麵聲明我沒有錯, -weiyi- ♂ (56 bytes) () 09/15/2010 postreply 08:21:33