回複:I-130 and I-485

回答: I-130 and I-485wxcellen2010-09-01 19:16:01

想幫sibling申請移民,請問要同時填 I-130 and I-485 嗎?
-No. You only can file I-130 for the beneficial and then, the beneficial has to wait for the Priority date (PD) to be current to file I-484 (within US) or apply for the immigration visa (outside US). For sibling's GC application, the PD normally takes about ten years to become current, so long way to go.


回複:回複:I-130 and I-485 -wxcellen- 給 wxcellen 發送悄悄話 (75 bytes) () 09/02/2010 postreply 08:10:40
