please lao mao and expert regarding laid off and worker compensa

I work in a state university as staff with soft money over 10 years. Right now I meet a problem with my supervisor. He gave me a very bad performance (l-5, he gave me 2, unsatisfactory)on 7/17, then I battle with him, wrote my opinion, most are focused on him, attached to employee part. Then I took sick leave and vacation for almost one month. (Doctor RX is depression and hand problem and refer to special hand doctor on 8/26) On 8/2, the director of my group sent email to all of us, said funding is short and will cut off hours from full time to part time. On 8/18, I renew my vacation, supervisor denied and said I have to work. He ask me to meet him with director to discuss this thing on 8/20. Then they oral notice me will laid off me on 9/1, then I request to extend to 9/15 because I need health insurance during this period. On 8/26 director sent email to me noticed cut my hours to half, I don’t agree and ask them back to original plan to laid off me. Then director let me write I would agree laid off me on 8/27. Then he formally email to me to laid off me. After that he saw I wear splint on my hand, asked my supervisor if it is caused by work injured (they are afraid, they denied my leave request), let me filled injured report, I have not filled because I take sick leave at home.

When I meet with supervisor and director on 8/20, request take annual leave on 8/23-8/25 because my hand’s problem and they denied, said I have to work. This made my hand’s problem more badly. My doctor ask what’s my job and said avoid current job. Can I 告my supervisor because he denied my leave and made my hand worse to get worker compensation? 我就是覺得他太欺負人了。

very appreciate for your advise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


need a local attorney or go to EEOC asap -疑馬甲- 給 疑馬甲 發送悄悄話 疑馬甲 的博客首頁 (116 bytes) () 08/29/2010 postreply 10:54:57

what is EEOC? Thanks!!!!!!! -rose88- 給 rose88 發送悄悄話 rose88 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2010 postreply 14:00:53

google EEOC -疑馬甲- 給 疑馬甲 發送悄悄話 疑馬甲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2010 postreply 14:18:25
