回複:回複:bonus is not compensation

回答: bonus is not compensationahhhh2010-07-28 13:22:37

As the "old cat" says, bonus is not a fixed salary. Different companies can adopt different rules. Some companies have written policy to require a person to be an active employee on bonus payout day, in order to receive bonus payment. Even the bonus amount has been confirmed with that person. For example, my previous company announce bonuce to employees in Jan., but pay bonus via March 15 payroll run. Anybody who was terminated before March 15 will not be eligible for bonus payout.
Since your company does not have a formal policy, you may want to find out what HR did for similar situation in the past, to see if you are treated as an exception.


回複:It seems that I can not get it any more. -jumpingjack- 給 jumpingjack 發送悄悄話 (30 bytes) () 07/28/2010 postreply 15:18:16
