不少人關心這個貼子.今天去找了校長,盡可能的談了老貓說的幾點.有關School Discipline Code is:
PREVENTION OF BULLYING: Cyber-bullying (a form of bullying) involves the use of information and communication technologies such as email, cell phone, PDA's pagers, text messaging, instant messaging, digital cameras, personal computer, school computer, chat room, personal website, defamatory website, defamatory online personal polling website, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm other.
要求hearing: suspension 不夠格.必須是更高的懲罰.
對話開始時,校長說"decision was made, I'm not going to change it". 對話結束時,學校表示向她的上麵director匯報,如director撤消她的決定,她同意.
回來的路上,感到事情似乎有希望.為了使director不隻聽一麵之詞而下定論,就給director發了email.大致把理由又說一遍.下午收到director電話,說看了email,也找校長談了,認為校長的決定已足夠寬容(linient enough).維持原判.我又據理力爭20多分鍾,director 輕聲細雨地說(soft spoken),明天再與校長談.後天再答複.感覺希望不大.她再上麵,還有一個Superintendent. 若再向上,就隻好走legal的路了.