美國移民法不是說取得永久監護權之後就不能夠犯法,問題在於您犯的是什麼,密西根州對於"Child Neglect", 依據犯行與實際的情況有不同的法條,如果今天樓主的行為是故意這麼做並導致孩子意外身故,他所麵對的將是重罪的控罪,那麼如果最終罪名成立,他有可能在服刑期滿之後麵對被移民局依法取消他的居留權與被遞解出境的可能.
老實說,樓主的行為其實是個人的疏忽,所以這就是警方的控罪是一個"輕罪的控罪"的原因.同時老貓提供您一個資料,這是該州有關Child neglect 的定義.
Citation: Comp. Laws § 722.622
Child neglect means harm or threatened harm to a child's health or welfare by a parent, legal guardian, or any other person responsible for the child's health or welfare that occurs through either of the following:
Negligent treatment, including the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care
Placing a child at an unreasonable risk to the child's health or welfare by failure to intervene to eliminate that risk when that person is able to do so and has, or should have, knowledge of the risk
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12/16/2009 postreply