回複:想改行學法律, 請過來人給點兒建議

I am working a law firm now, according to my experiences, honestly speaking, you are too old to suitable for this career.I had same situation as yours before, and I did not realize how tough it is for new immigrants to change their careers totally.

Lawyers face huge work pressure everyday, because there are a large amount of limitations and strict policies at all different law fields,and it takes long time for you to finish all courses at law school.As you know, the law business depends on North American culture as strong background. Even if you finish study at school, you will do a certain low level job at law firm at the beginning, and you will be very frustrated about it. I am doing lots of overtime work without payment. Life is so short,and we should be talent not to be bogged down nonsense image.

Anyway,it just is my opinion.
