ZT: 救命!沒有按時去領SEVIS form I-20 續

來源: stp 2004-08-01 21:44:36 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3694 bytes)
文章來源: cdudu 於 2004-08-01 13:42:51

救命!沒有按時去領SEVIS form I-20!!(續)

去年學校發了group E-mail 讓所有的國際學生去領新的-20,也沒在意,以為我不去領也在國際學生辦公室那裏了,後來就給忘了。前幾天有事去國際學生辦公室,他們查不到我的紀錄,問我是不是畢業了,我說我還是全職的學生。 我接著想起來I-20問題,提示他們是不是與我沒有領有關。它們還是以為我的文件丟了。下星期又去問才知道我的被放到inactive 裏麵去了,因為我沒有按時領I-20 。 接著又和一個領導談了一下,他說從來沒有遇到這種問題,他們去年發了thousands of E-mail, 而且他們的網頁上也有說明,不過在我的記憶中隻有一封,而且是group E-mail 。如果他們係統是沒有我的名字的話,我應該不能每學期注課的呀,不知道怎麽回事。後來等到大頭回來後,說我要reinstatement 我的F-1 status,需要填申請表,給移民局寫一封信解釋一下原因,交195刀。現在是喜憂參半,喜的事本來以為自己身份黑了,有可能要被驅逐出境了。憂的事以後不知如何解釋這段gap, 對以後是不是有不良影響。哪位給指點一下我該怎麽辦?他們認為全是我的責任,我覺得不全是,不過也沒什麽用處了,隻想這件事的後果越小越好。謝謝了!********************************

在網上google了一下,發現reinstatement必須在violation 的5個月之內提交申請,我早已超過5個月了。而且現在學校在我的申請批準之前也不能給我付工資了。那我現在還能工作嗎?我查了reinstatement requirements:
The USCIS director may reinstate the student to lawful F-1 status, if he or she:

Establishes to the satisfaction of the USCIS director that the violation of status resulted from circumstances beyond the student's control or that failure to receive reinstatement to lawful F-1 status would result in extreme hardship to the student;

is currently pursuing, or intending to pursue, a full course of study at the school that issued the Form I-20;

has not engaged in unauthorized employment; and

is not deportable on any ground other than section 241(a) (1) (B) or (c) (i) of the Act {overstaying or failing to maintain status}. {8 CFR 214.2(f) (16) (i)}

那我violation後一直在學校作TA,是engaged in unauthorized employment 嗎?

我需要restatement如果out of F-1 status, 又查了一下maintain F-1 status 的要求:

Attend the school you are authorized to attend on your I-20. You must follow both USCIS and university transfer procedures to attend a new school.

Leave the United States by the anticipated completion date on your I-20. If you must remain in the U.S. past your I-20 completion date, follow extension procedures with the International Student Services Office.

Receive a new I-20 when transferring from one level to another or from one degree to another at the same university.

Have a valid, un-expired passport.

Refrain from unauthorized employment.

Notify the USCIS and the Office of the Registrar of any change in residence or mailing address within 10 days of the change.

Maintain a full-course of study



You can be paid until your current I -20 expires (08/16/2004).
After that you cannot be paid until the reinstatement is granted. If it
is denied your only option then, would be to travel home and apply for a
new F-1 entry visa and return to complete your degree. As you know, I
am certainly hoping the reinstatement is granted.

現在可以去墨西哥或加拿大簽證嗎?大家都是從一種visa 換到另一種visa, 我算什麽呢?現在危險嗎?Reinstatement據學校的人說要等幾個月, 而且可能被拒。到現在也知道不Reinstatement通過的可能性大不大。我超過期限是不是一定被拒。那還不如現在去第三國簽證了。




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