What is the big deal?

來源: wastetime 2004-07-28 07:24:22 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (561 bytes)
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回答: 說實在話你告分不如告騷擾有效.老城春秋2004-07-27 09:56:50
After reading all of the postings, I still do not understand why author wants to go to court. What is the big deal between B and B+ ?

I once reported a score error to my teacher and he corrected it from B to B+. But in the school assembly, the president said some students liked to seek higher scores, but I would like to seek high quality to accomplish the assignment, high ability to do the practical work, and high achievement in future. Score is just a number, please pay more attention to the quality work.

What a shame to me at that moment!


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