【2023壇慶】《So I Could Find My Way》E歌神曲唱
》參加壇慶活動,今天發第五個帖子,唱一曲經典E歌神曲《So I Could Find My Way》。相同的歌曲,稍微不同的唱法好玩,就算是一個Credit算啦。十七年壇慶重在參與,也不需要太惦記攢積Credit啦!
So I Could Find My Way [Lyrics]Enya
A thousand dreams you gave to me. You held me high, you held me high!
And all those years you guided me. So,I could find my way
How long your love had sheltered me. You held me high, you held me high!
A harbour holding back the sea. So I could find my way.
So let me give this dream to you. Upon another shore.
So let me give this dream to you. Each night and ever more.
Yet only time keeps us apart. You held me high, you held me high!
You're in the shadows of my heart. So I can find my way.-----
So let me give this dream to you. Upon another shore.
So let me give this dream to you. Each night and ever more.
A thousand dreams you gave to me. You held me high, you held me high.
And all those years you guided me. So I could find my way. So I could find my way!