弟弟的牙齒 + 狗碗裏的蘿卜





    吃晚飯的時候,我還在感慨弟弟漂亮的牙齒:“Hi, your teeth are just like your uncle‘s.”

    哥哥好奇:“What do you mean?  Like my uncle’s?”

    我趕緊解釋:“He has big upper teeth and small ones on the bottom, just like yours.”

    弟弟不屑地笑出聲來:“Aren’t all human’s teeth like that?!”

    媽媽語塞,弟弟說得對啊;但還想解釋兩句:“Well, yeah.  You’re right.  I only said that because your grandma made some comments like that 20 years ago and it stuck with me.”

    弟弟更不屑了:“20 years ago?  I wasn’t even born yet!”





    狗狗埋頭吃飯的當兒,我又說了一遍扔胡蘿卜的話。弟弟這次聽見了,但不相信自己的耳朵:“You want me to eat the carrots?”




    哥哥還要拿弟弟開涮:“It’s carrots so he won’t eat it.  But if it’s something else, he might eat it.”

    我第二次不敢相信自己的耳朵: “No way!  Like what?”

    哥哥很了解地一笑:“Like Cane’s.” (Raising Cane’s 是弟弟最愛的炸雞店。)


    弟弟洗了手回來,哥哥把剛才的問題問他:“If there’s a piece of chicken in that bowl and it’s from Cane’s.  Will you eat it?”

    弟弟聳聳肩:“Of course!  It’s Cane’s.” 

    我快要站不住了:“Surely you are not that desperate!”

    弟弟毫不在意:“Why matters?  If it’s rinsed and soaked with soap, then dry with a paper towel…..I’ll eat it.”






