It really depends.

回答: when can i take my baby for a trip? thankstwinlobster2012-11-12 07:15:30

I took my son back to China when he was 10 month old. I was amazed how well he behaved during the whole trip. He didn't cry once even though on the airplane some bigger babies cried all the way to China. Other people on the airplace were very impressed about it. And the baby got sick when we were in China and got better when we were back home. So I would not take the trip again if I chose again. It's just not convenient to feed the baby or change diapers, or for the baby to have a comfortable sleep before you reach your destination.

I saw a lot of parents don't care that much about babies' crying. I know sometimes it's not big deal may even better for the babies' lung development.  But I just couldn't stand even a little bit crying.

That's why I say it depends on the parents and the baby.

