[活動] 提前的父親節禮物

本文內容已被 [ Gardenia_On_The_Bay ] 在 2012-06-16 09:50:13 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

At dinner time today, my daughter, as usual, was doing anything - telling stories, joking, leaving the table to show everyone stuff etc - but properly eating dinner..

I was about to scold her when she returned with a brown paper bag and a card. She said those were the Father's Day gifts for Daddy. Though it's not yet the day, she could not wait to show them to Daddy. What could you say to that?!

Here is the bag she decorated (with Chinese writing, too!)

...and the ceramics piece she made in her art class for the occasion..

...and part of her hand-made card cover.. (it's a shirt for Daddy)..



- 再訪北京-第一次經曆798藝術區(圖)

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- A Photo Journal Of The Little Global Trotters (II)(圖)

- 小小畫家畫廊(Part IV)
